Darling Folk

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less stuff // more freedom

Darling folk,

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in things?
Like stuff, meaningless stuff, is taking over your life?

This is something I’ve been seriously thinking about lately..
To say that my room is crowded would be a serious understatement.
Part of this is because I have moved back home with my parents;
So instead of my stuff being spread throughout an apartment, a larger bedroom, and a huge walk-in closet,
it is now all in one room with a bitty closet

Still, my reality is that I will be living in a small place for a while, even once I do move out.
I’ve decided it is imparative that I reduce the clutter –
both for practical reasons and for my sanity.

I’ve created this image to provide a constant reminder:

less stuff:more freedom

(inspired by an unknown creator on pinterest; background image is my own)

Have you been doing any thinking about life, balance, freedom, etc.?

xo,  Alyssa